The 2010 Diocesan Assembly was held at the St. John of Damascus Church in Poway (near San Diego), CA from Tuesday, October 19, 2010 through Thursday, October 21, 2010.
In addition to typical agenda items. the Diocesan Assembly reviewed and discussed the draft Strategic Plan for the Orthodox Church in America.
Book 1: Instructions and Schedule
Book 2: Deanery and Parish Reports
Book 3: Department and Institution Reports
2011 Budget approved by Assembly
All-American Council in Seattle (Bellevue) WA Presentation
Orthodox Church Capital Improvement Fund Presentation
Parish Delegates — to be completed by rector
Non-Parish Delegates — ex officio delegates to the Assembly, who are not also a delegate from their parish. Examples are voting members of the Diocesan Council, the Audit Commitee and the heads of our monastic institutions.