The 2018 Assembly of the Diocese of the West took place at 1 PM on Monday July 23rd, 2018, at the St Louis Union Station Hotel.
We WILL be collecting the usual reports this year, but at a later date (most likely October). This way we will have census data to submit to the OCA for the 2019 Spring Synod meeting. Also, the full text of Archbishop BENJAMIN’s and Bishop DANIEL’s opening address, not included in the books, and the approved 2019 budget will be linked below (after the assembly); draft minutes of the Assembly (to be approved at the next Assembly) will be posted once reviewed at the December Diocesan Council meeting.
1820 Market St
St Louis, MO 63103
Phone: +1-314-231-1234
Website: Unavailable
Book 1: Instructions, Schedule, Minutes, Financial Reports, and Proposed 2019 Budget
Book 2: Parish Census Information (According to Deanery)
Archbishop BENJAMIN’s Address to the Assembly
Bishop DANIEL’s Address to the Assembly
2019 Budget approved by Assembly
Parish Delegates — to be completed by rector
Non-Parish Delegates — ex officio delegates to the Assembly, who are not also a delegate from their parish. Examples are voting members of the Diocesan Council, the Audit Commitee and the heads of our monastic institutions.