The Diocesan Assembly for the year 2020 will be held virtually via Zoom Conferencing on Wednesday, October 14th, from 9 AM to 11 AM. The 2019 Diocesan Council will have a virtual meeting at 5 PM on Tuesday October 13th to finalize any and all matters pertaining to the Assembly. The newly elected 2020 Diocesan Council will have its first meeting as soon as the Assembly concludes on the 14th.
Please check back for updates to this page, including:
1.) Delegate books including parish, department, monastery, and financial reports
2.) A new template of standardized parish bylaws to be formally presented at the Assembly
Parish rectors are especially encouraged to inform their elected delegates of new information as it becomes available.
Please find attached the call for reports (with instructions) and parish report form for the 2020 Diocesan (Virtual) Assembly.
Archbishop Benjamin’s 2020 Assembly Report
Chancellor’s (Bishop Daniel) 2020 Assembly Report
Delegate Handbook Volume 1 – Instructions and Schedule
Delegate Handbook Volume 2 – Deanery and Parish Reports
Delegate Handbook Volume 3 – Department, Institution, and Financial Reports
Delegate Handbook Volume 4 – Treasurer’s/Financial Reports