

Diocesan Administration

The Administration of the Diocese, led by His Eminence and assisted by the Chancellor, is responsible for handling the work of the Diocese including: the support of the parishes and instutions of the Diocese, the furthering of mission work, implementation of the decisions of the Diocesan Assembly, allocating diocesan funds and oversight of investments for the general benefit of the Diocese, providing for the establishment and maintenance of institutions or organizations of philanthropy and education within the Diocese, and day-to-day operations.

View Minutes & Reports:

Council Minutes
Financial Reports

Diocesan Departments

The Diocese of the West is organized with many departments to assist and advise the bishop. Each department has a chairperson (both clergy and laity) who have been appointed by His Grace. They answer directly to the bishop and the Diocesan Council.

The following are the current departments of The Diocese of the West:

Department of Architecture

The Architecture Department’s purpose and goal is to offer sound advice for parishes and missions in The Diocese of the West concerning building or property acquisition projects of any kind.

Department of Charities

The Diocese of the West supports many different charitable organizations each and every year. The charities we are involved with are varied in what they do and whom they help, but all do wonderful work in helping those in need, which is why the diocese gives of its first fruits to them each and every year. Please explore their websites here and consider giving to them yourself!

Department of Communications

The Communications Department oversees all internal and external contacts of the Diocese. Among other responsibilities, the Department oversees the Diocesan website, press releases, publications, and advertisements.

Department of Education

The Education Department of The Diocese of the West (TDOW) exists to assist the diocesan Bishop in the promotion of Traditional Orthodox education materials within the diocese. This Department will serve as a clearinghouse of such available information, which may be found useful for Church schools and other Orthodox educational programs and classes.

The Education Department Director will collect and post useful, approved materials on this website. Edifying educational articles will also be posted.

See also: Education Department of the OCA, Orthodox Christian Education Commission

Department of Finance

The Treasurer handles all the finances of the diocese. Financial Reports available here.

Contact the Diocesan Treasurer: treasurer@dowoca.org | Cell: ‭(541) 690-6013‬

Audit Committee

Deacon Vyacheslav (Scott) Adams

Tiffany Gantus

Archpriest Damian Kuolt

Finance Committee

Ms. Dorothy Nowik, Chair
Archpriest Matthew Tate
Archpriest John Dresko
Ms. Maha Adranly
Archpriest Kirill Sokolov, ex officio

Department of Liturgical Music

The Department of Liturgical Music was created to provide musical scores of the many hymns sung by our churches to the church choirs. Due to the relocation of the Chairman, this projects has been put on temporary hold. The desire and plan is to make available on this website the scores already prepared and any new scores.

Department of Youth Ministries

The Youth Department of The Diocese of the West exists to encourage and promote Orthodox youth ministry within TDOW on three levels: diocese, deanery, and local parish. This vision is in keeping with the direction of the national church to promote youth ministry in the specific areas of Worship, Education, Fellowship, and Service among our Orthodox youth on an annual basis. The Department exists to serve the youth, youth leaders, and clergy in the development of Orthodox youth ministry.

The successful fulfillment of the vision of the Youth Department will depend on the presence of a local youth coordinator in every parish. These youth coordinators will work together on both a local and deanery level to promote youth ministry in their parishes and deanery with the blessing and guidance of their parish priests.

The Youth Department Director (and his Assistant), aligned with this national and diocesan vision, will conduct deanery-based training seminars to encourage and equip local youth leaders in the knowledge and skills of youth ministry, and will also encourage (and facilitate if necessary) deanery based retreats to bring our young people together to grow in their life in Christ. An annual diocesan youth retreat will also be offered.

See also: Youth Department of the OCA

Diaconal Vocations Program

The Committee on Diaconal Vocations considers applications for Diaconal Vocations candidates, provides a recommended program of education and formation for those seeking ordination, and evaluates candidates completing such programs.

The committee also advises members of the Holy Synod of Bishops on a variety of matters related to the acceptance of non-Orthodox clergy seeking to convert to Orthodox Christianity.

An explanation of the diaconal vocations program is available here, and an application form is available here.

Legal Department

The Legal Department of The Diocese of the West acts in two main areas:

1) Diocesan bylaws
2) Parish holdings within the Diocese

and serves as a general resource for addressing the legal ramifications of decisions made by the Diocese.