The Youth Department of The Diocese of the West exists to encourage and promote Orthodox youth ministry within TDOW on three levels: diocese, deanery, and local parish. This vision is in keeping with the direction of the national church to promote youth ministry in the specific areas of Worship, Education, Fellowship, and Service among our Orthodox youth on an annual basis. The Department exists to serve the youth, youth leaders, and clergy in the development of Orthodox youth ministry.
The successful fulfillment of the vision of the Youth Department will depend on the presence of a local youth coordinator in every parish. These youth coordinators will work together on both a local and deanery level to promote youth ministry in their parishes and deanery with the blessing and guidance of their parish priests.
The Youth Department Director (and his Assistant), aligned with this national and diocesan vision, will conduct deanery-based training seminars to encourage and equip local youth leaders in the knowledge and skills of youth ministry, and will also encourage (and facilitate if necessary) deanery based retreats to bring our young people together to grow in their life in Christ. An annual diocesan youth retreat will also be offered.
See also: Youth Department of the OCA