

Monastery Directory

Monastery of St. Mary of Egypt

A monastery for women.

8375 W Midway Ave
Glendale, Arizona 85305-6918
Email: stmaryofegyptaz@gmail.com

Monastery of St. Macarius the Great of Egypt

A monastery for women.

Abbess Mother Silouana
5395 Orchard St
Montclair, California 91763-3320

We are a community of nuns of the Diocese of the West of the Orthodox Church in America. Our monastery was established in 2015, and has since grown, by the grace and blessing of God. We strive to live a traditional communal Orthodox monastic life according to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the rich wellspring of the teachings of the Early Fathers of the Church.

Protection of the Holy Virgin Monastery (1993)

A monastery for women.

Mother Cassiana (Petrow), Acting Superior
2343 County Rd 403
PO Box 416
Lake George CO 80827
Rectory phone: 719-748-3999

Please call or write to receive the monastery’s newsletter.

The changing demographics of the US led the sisters to feel that the Rocky Mountain region would not only be an area conducive to the life of prayer, but would also be fertile ground in which to plant a monastic community.

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Monastery of St John the Baptist

A monastery for men.

Abbot Father Macarius
2936 N 81st Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 85033-4765

Website: stjohnthebaptistaz.org
Email: sjb.brotherhood@gmail.com

We are monks from different nationalities living together in a communal life style in the Diocese of the West of the Orthodox Church of America.

We strive to bring about the presence of Christ in the world, through prayer, sacrificial love, and serving others in need.

Monasticism in our belief is not a way of avoiding the world, but it is a way of being set apart for the sake of the world.

We pray, because the world and the church are in need of those who pray. God is seeking those who can worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4: 24). He calls on worshipers to serve Him in prayer day and night without ceasing (Isaiah 62: 6-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Our daily lives are established on the principle of continual repentance. When understood fully, this repentance acts as a channel towards growth and progression towards perfection, that we may be bridal souls awaiting with longing and perseverance the coming of the bridegroom. By this we will be following the footsteps of the saintly men of God who went before us.

The feast of the monastery is the feast of the beheading of our patron, St. John the Baptist, which falls on September 11th (OC).

St. John the Baptist is the patron saint of our monastery and we seek that he may be our example in life and ministry, in prayer and teaching, and in his call for repentance.

Monastery of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco (1996)

A monastery for men.

PO Box 439
Manton, CA 96059

The Monastery of St. John is a community of Christians striving to follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ, working out our salvation in discipleship to Christ in the Orthodox Church. We embrace the evangelical ideals of poverty, chastity, obedience and stability.

We strive for unity of mind and heart with one another in a communion of love, having all things in common and living a shared life of prayer and work which consists of:

Candle making

Retreats and Seminars


Monastery bookstore

Arranging and composing Liturgical Music

Missionary outreach

St Barbara Monastery (1993)

A monastery for women.

15799 Ojai Rd.
Santa Paula, CA 93060
Email: sbmonastery@juno.com

Daily Services:

7:00 AM Matins

12:15 PM Sixth Hour and Memorial Service, except on days when there is a Divine Liturgy

5:30 PM Vespers

7:30 PM Compline

DURING GREAT LENT, the schedule consists of Vespers at 4:00 PM with Compline at 6:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings.

Saturday Evening – 6:00 PM Vigil.

Sunday Morning – There are no Sunday Morning Services.

St Barbara Monastery was founded in 1992 with the blessing of His Grace, TIKHON, Bishop of San Francisco, Los Angeles and the West.

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Holy Assumption Monastery

A monastery for women.

Abbess Mother Melania
1519 Washington St,
Calistoga, CA 94515-1501
Office: 707-942-6244
E-mail:  sisters.holyassumptionmonastery@gmail.com


Schedule of Services

Daily — Morning
7:00 AM Matins; 12:15 PM Sixth Hour and Memorial Service (except on days when Divine Liturgy is celebrated). The same schedule is also maintained on Saturdays and during Great Lent.

Daily — Evening
5:00 PM Vigil, 7:00 PM Compline (On the day before Divine Liturgy, 5:00 PM Vigil replaces Vespers and Compline). DURING GREAT LENT, Vespers is celebrated at 4:00 PM and Great Compline at 6:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday

Saturday Evening
5:00 PM Vigil.

Sunday Morning
8:30 AM Third and Sixth Hours; 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy.

Sunday Evening
5:30 PM Vespers.

Wednesday & Friday Evenings During Great Lent
6:00 PM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.

Weekday Liturgies and Pre-sanctified Liturgies are held when possible. Lenten Wednesday schedules change according to whether a Pre-sanctified Liturgy is being held. Lenten Friday schedules change according to whether a Pre-sanctified Liturgy is being held Friday or a Saturday Liturgy is being held.  Please call or e-mail the monastery for the schedule.

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Our Lady of Kazan Skete

A monastery for women.

Abbess Mother Susanna
2735 Victoria Dr.
Santa Rosa CA 95407
Church hall: 707-542-7798

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