

The Latest News in the Diocese

Bright Week Celebration in SF

Paschal Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Grace and area clergy from the Pacific Central Deanery and the Mission Deanery. The singing was done primarily by priests, who were directed by the well-respected veteran cathedral choir conductor Subdeacon Robert Parent.

Lake Havasu Mission Reaches Out

The children from St. Peter the Aleut Orthodox Church in Lake Havasu City reached out to a nearby community to help make life just a little bit easier for seniors living on marginal incomes.

Film of Bishop’s Water Blessing trip in Alaska

Video of Bishop BENJAMIN's blessing of the water in Alaska.

Colorado Prison Ministry

When we hear our Lords words in Matthew 25, “I was in prison, and you came to Me,” we don’t imagine ourselves finding a prison with a large population of Orthodox Christians to visit. Well, that is exactly what Fr. John Armstrong, rector of St. Herman Orthodox Church in Littleton, CO found. Hidden in the farm fields of eastern Colorado, yet accessible to the Denver Airport, the Hudson Correctional Facility is part of the Alaska Department of Corrections. With almost 1000 prisoners it is estimated that as many as 250 of them grew up in an Orthodox Church.

Bishop’s Paschal Message

You have stretched out Your hands, O Savior,
and united what before had been divided;
and by clothing Yourself in a winding sheet
You have saved even those held captive by the tomb, who cry:
“None is holy but You, O Lord.”
Holy Saturday Kanon, Ode III


To the Reverend Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese of the West

Dearly beloved:

Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!

I greet each and every one of you with the greeting that has been joyously exchanged since the angel at the empty tomb told the disciples that the Lord Jesus had been raised from the dead. Their amazement and wonder turned into pure and unadulterated joy as the magnitude of the moment began to dawn on them. So, also, we are filled this day with the same joy.

Groundbreaking for Chapel at St. Barbara’s Monastery

On Lazarus Saturday, April 16th, 2011, His Grace, Bishop Benjamin, presided at the ground-breaking for a chapel dedicated to St. Barbara and St. Eugene at St. Barbara Monastery in Santa Paula, CA. For over five years, the monastic community has used the large living room of their house as a chapel. But this arrangement, while workable, is far from adequate and has always been understood to be temporary.

Southern Colorado Mission Vespers 2011

Each year the pan-Orthodox faithful throughout Colorado visit each others' parishes on the Sunday evenings of Great Lent. We begin with all parishes gathering in Denver at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation. Twenty clergy and hundreds of faithful gathered on the "Sunday of Orthodoxy" evening for prayer, worship, fellowship, and to hear Fr. Martin Ritsi of OCMC make a presentation. The rest of the Lenten Sunday evenings are participated in by "region": north, central (Denver Metro) and south. The southern parishes take an offering at each service which helps support our annual Project Mexico trip (number 16!) by sponsoring one of the local clergy to participate. Fr. Lawrence of St. Mary's in Calhan is our 2011 clergy trip leader. This video presentation is our attempt to share our life and experience with the rest of the diocese!

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Japan Fund Update

As we entered the time of the Great Forty Days, we learned of the terrible earthquake in Japan and the subsequent tsunami that devastated the region around Sendai. The Sendai area was a focus of the missionary work of St. Nicholas of Japan. Several Orthodox churches were damaged and one totally destroyed in the March 11 earthquake.

Bishop Benjamin asked the parishes of the Diocese of the West to take up a collection to aid the Church of Japan at this time of crisis. To date $26,934.92 has been collected from throughout the diocese. The diocesan treasurer, Mrs. Mary Caetta will be transmitting the funds to Japan this week to help the various parishes rebuild. Bishop Benjamin is grateful for the generosity of the clergy and faithful of the Diocese of the West and hopes that our small gift will help our Orthodox brethren at this critical time. We wish them a joyous Pascha and embrace them with the Paschal kiss.

MEMORY ETERNAL: Deacon Michael Savko

Deacon Michael Savko, serving at St. Herman Church in Oxford, CA, fell asleep in Lord on April 12 after a long illness. The schedule for his services, all at St. Innocent Church in Tarzana, CA, is as follows:

Thursday, April 14, 7:00 pm

Friday, April 15, 10:00 am
Burial Service and Interment

For more information, please call Father Paul Waisenan at (805) 901-5437.

Memory Eternal to the servant God, the Deacon Michael.

NorCal Lock-in Set

The annual "lock-in" for Northern California teens has been set for May 6-7, 2011, hosted by St. Christina's Mission in Fremont. Registration is $15 or $10 with sibling and must be in no later than April 30.

For information contact Fr. Michael Anderson at (510) 333-8814 or by email:

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