The following forms were provided by Archpriest Matthew Tate to participants at the Mission Deanery Retreat in February 2011. The first form can be used by clergy on a daily/weekly/monthly basis to track expenses. Receipts for expenses to be reimbursed by the parish can be kept with the form until a formal expense report is submitted to the parish treasurer.
The second form, Ministry Expense Report, can be used to categorize and total expenses for a reporting period and submitted to the parish treasurer along with all receipts. These two forms can also be used by clergy if they are not being reimbursed but will be taking personal income tax deductions for deductible
The third form can be used by clergy to compute what they expect their next year housing expenses will be. Clergy can then present a formal request to the parish council asking for a portion of their salary to be classified as a housing allowance for the next year or for the remaining portion of the current year.