Master bless!
Your Eminence; Fathers, Mothers, Brothers & Sisters,
We are very grateful for the call for prayers of his Beatitude and for the fatherly concern given by his Eminence, and for the prayers of our whole diocesan family. The past days have been changing constantly, with Friday looking very threatening, evacuations were called within the San Fernando Valley itself, in the hills between us and the Palisades fire. Friday we prepared ourselves. The Holy Gifts, Holy Chrism, and Antimens are in one container in the high place, so that they can be removed quickly, or placed back for services. We have packed the hand painted icons and relics and some other things so that they can be moved should the need come. The smoke from the hills turned a menacing orange as the sun set and glowed through the night. Thanks to God, we are not facing the winds or the dryness of earlier in the week, nor are they forecasted to return this week. We even have a forecast for some rain possible next Saturday. On the other hand, the Palisades fire is already so hot that it still presents a danger. The fire fighters, God bless them, have set up a strong barrier to fire on Mulholland Dr (which runs along the crest) to keep the fire from coming into the valley, and they have been tireless in reinforcing the barrier, and it is holding. The wind, much milder than earlier in the week, seems to be pushing the fire back onto already burnt areas. You can follow the fires very clearly here:
Our parishioners are well right now. And we have a feeling of having passed the most threatening moment. We are not letting down vigilance, because things, as we all know, can change quickly.
At the end of Liturgy this morning and then over coffee many of us realized how much in suspense we have been.
Yours in Christ,
Archpriest Yousuf Rassam
Tarzana, CA